Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Charles and Julia (Pryor) Evans

Special Schedule 1890 census
Surviving Soldiers, Sailors and Marines and Widows etc.
who survived the war of the rebellion.
Our Charles Evans  is third on the list.

Charles Evans II was born in 1842. The first timeI found him was in the 1850 census. This was the first census that they identfied every member of the family. Before that, they named the head of the house and listed every  other person by sex and age group and race or free or slave status. I believe in 1850 they started using a separate form for slaves. The next time I see him is in the 1860 census, still with his parents.
I could not find him or his father in the 1870 census, I will have to try ivins or ivings I have found them listed like that before if I remember correctly. I did find Julia Pryor. Julia is listed with a few children so I m not sure if Pryor is a married or maiden name so we have to find some more answers before we can be sure of her status.
 In 1880 I find Charles and Julia with their childen. The 1890 census was destroyed but luckily the 1890 schedule of civil war vets was not and I found that our Charles Evans served for 1 year 1863 - 1864 in the Union Navy abord a vessel called the Wallkill.

Charles Evans 1844
Julia (Pryor) Evans 1842
Elizabeth  Evans 1862
Thomas  Evans 1871
Nancy Jane Evans 1872
Agnes Ann  Evans 1873 may
Mary Jane Evans 1875
Stansbury Evans 1877 mar
Lola Evans 1883 jan
Henry Evans 1887 oct
Albert  Evans 1888 dec 

Above is a list of the family that is composed of the 1880 census which goes to Stansbury and the rest I must have found on the 1900 census which I can't seem to find now.
Charles and Julia Evans 1910
living near their daughter Agnes and her  husband Robert Jackson
Wallkill.rtf  click here to see the article reffered to in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm posting this conversation between cousin Nancy and myself so the rest of you can get you two cents in or do some research on the subject of the civil war record of Charles Evans.

    Nancy L Pope

    Hello. I went digging to find out about the Wallkill ship. I found a list of all ships that were in the civil war. This ship name was not listed. But I did find a Wallkill Regiment. See Attached Document and let me know what you think?
    Wallkill.docx (I'll put a link to this in case you want to check it out.)

    Sl Johnston

    I also looked for the ship or boat called Wallkill without success. It definitely says he was a seaman and this regiment from New York State doesn't really feel like a good fit to me.
    I'd be inclined to take the info we have and look in the military records for more. This may or may not be possible online but at least we have the name of a vessel and the year so it should't be too difficult if more records exist.
