Friday, August 10, 2012

The Grimes that were/not related.

Which is it? Well first let's see who we're talking about.
It's these two on the left. Annie Grimes and Percy Grimes. As Grimes they are not related but....

For those who are interested: I haven't traced George Mason Grimes to Albert Grimes, at least not yet. We can trace his children with his wife Pricilla (Jordan) Grimes Back to Charles Evans. So Annie Grimes is still a cousin. They share GGGrandparents

Here's how.

I have a Priscilla Jordan who married a George Mason Grimes. I don't know to much about George. But Priscilla is the daughter of Andrew Jordan and Priscilla Bumbry. Priscilla is the daughter of Bassett Bumbry and Susan Evans (Daughter of Charles and Susan Evans). Bassett Bumbry is the son of John Bumbry who is the son of Richard Bunbury. Richard was the child mulatto child of John Bunbury and a unknown slave.
From the 1940 Census.
Home in 1940: Moorestown, Burlington, New Jersey
View Map
Street: Cox Road
House Number: Box 71
Inferred Residence in 1935: Rural, King George, Virginia
Residence in 1935: Rural, King George, Virginia
Sheet Number: 1A
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
George M Grimes 60
Priscilla Grimes 49
Lloyd Grimes 22
Elsworth Grimes 20
Amanda Grimes 18
Josphine Grimes 16
Eilza Grimes 14
Wellford Grimes 11
Andrew Grimes 9
Annie Grimes 5