Thursday, July 15, 2021

Long time no posts.

 Hey cousins, it's been years that this blog has been silent. I'll see if I can get the energy to start doing some posting again. I don't really know where to start and I haven't been getting a lot of feedback from you all out there in cyberspace so it's on me I guess.

 I do have a few things I want to touch on. 

  • For all my first cousins, I found a bunch more stuff than I had before about Grandpop "Percy Grimes sr.".                                                                                 
  •  Some of us have taken Ancestry and other DNA tests. It would be nice if we could coordinate those a little bit better.
  • It has come to my attention that Burlington County and Philadelphia have quite a few people that have roots that go back to King George County, VA and many of us are connected. It would be nice to look at that.

I think that's enough to start with, get back to me if you're interested in any of those topics.
