Sunday, February 21, 2010

Belle Gray Grimes

Belle E. Gray Grimes

Belle E. Gray was born in King George County, Virginia in April 1894.
Her Parents were Peyton Gray and Nancy Jane Evans also of King George County.

I looked her up in the 1900 census and discovered that she is living with her parents and 6 brothers and sisters. That  her father is listed as a farmer who owns his farm free of mortgage.

Something I noticed in the census was that Thomas Gray 1885 and Mary E. Gray 1880 are listed as son and daughter respectively. This is not likely true but maybe someone can find out the answer for us. I am going to suggest that they are possibly younger 
siblings of Peyton Gray senior. I discovered when I was looking for Peyton Gray that his parents in an earlier census were a couple named Filmore but more about that later. 

  • Peyton Gray  -March 1872
  • Nancy Gray  -October 1874
  • Thomas Gray  -March  1885
  • Mary E. Gray  -October 1880
  • Simon Gray  -April 1892
  • Belle E. Gray  -April 1894
  • Charles Gray  -Feb. 1896
  • Peyton Gray  -May 1897
  • Mary E. Gray  -March 1900 
  • Harry Gray   -1903
  • Olden Gray   -1905
  • Beulah Gray  -1907
  • Ashby Gray   -1900
  • Nathaniel H. Gray  -1912
  • Robert S. Gray  -1916

The names are color coded Because they are from different  census years. The names in red are from the 1910 census they didn't put the birth month and year on that year, just the age at the time of the census, so I approximated the birth years. If anyone knows these birthdays please let me know. 

The Last census I'm going to list for Peyton and Nancy is the 1920 census because 2 more uncles came along in that decade. (phew, they used to keep busy day and night in those days) 

Unfortunately for me I never got to go down to the homesteads in Virginia. I think Mike got down there and maybe he has something to say about it and uncle Percy (Junie) must have gone down and I'm hoping he'll fill us in with more details. 

I did get to visit the area on my way to Richmond several years ago and I looked up The church that Amelia Pryor had refered to in her arkstones.txt

The Little Ark Baptist Church

This is the cemetary adjacent to the church.
If you walk all the way to where the trees are on the right,
in the photo above,

you'll find the graves of Peyton and Nancy Gray,
along with the graves of some of their children.


  1. Did anyone notice that on the census schedule that the Grymes and the Grays are only a page or two apart?

    Grandpop must have had his eye on grandmom for some time

  2. Lisa BARCLAY - Grandaughter of Blanche EvansAugust 9, 2013 at 2:04 AM

    I love geneaology and I have some Evans and a little Gray information too. I'll have to dust it off and lets see if we can put a family tree together. It looks like we have more than a few branches.
